The Single Investment Window (Ventanilla Única de Inversión - VUI) is a digital platform that allows processes and procedures required by companies to settle, operate and function in Costa Rica formally. 
The project is related to the process of documentation and registration of the environmental impact of companies.

My role as an Interaction designer was to connect with the UX Researcher, translate the information found in the study, and create logical, easy-to-understand flows and frames to be improved and implemented collectively with the UI designer. ​​​​​​​

Unfortunately, I am unable to share the UX research information and the complete project implementation due to privacy concerns. But here are some of the screens developed from the entire process.

Approximately 30 flows with over 100 screen frames were developed to understand the platform functionalities.
Here for more details about VUI: 

If you want to understand my complete process as UX UI Designer, please visit these Projects: 

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